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ACTIVE, One who is devout and who participates regularly in the program of the Church.

APOSTATE, A former member who has either fallen away or has been excommunicated from the Church.

APOSTLE, A member of the quorum of Twelve Apostles, highest calling in the priesthood of the Church, from which
         body the Prophet President is chosen.

BACKSLIDER, An inactive member, one not to strong in the faith.

BISHOP, A High Priest set apart to preside over a local congregation, comparable to a pastor or minister.

BRETHREN (THE) Usually used in reference to the presiding authorities, but sometimes used to designate those
        who preside at the local level.

CO-OP, Specifically the mercantile or general store unit of the co-operatlive United Order system, but sometimes
        used as a designation for the whole Order.

DESERET, A Book of Mormon term meaning the hive or the spirit of the beehive, synonymous with industriousness
        or cooperative enterprise. Sometimes used as a name for the Mormon colonies.

ENEMY. ('l'HE) A term used to refer to apostates and outsiders who were opposed to the Church.

FAST DAY, One day a month set aside as a twenty •• four hour period of fasting, formerly a Thursday, later changed to
        the first Sunday of each month. 

FAST MEETING, A special worship service held on Fast Day devoted. to personal testimony bearing.

GENERAL AUTHORITY, One of the body of leaders presiding over the whole Church.

FATHER, A term often used in place of the title Patriarch.

GENERLAL AUTHORITY, One of the body of leaders presiding over the whole Church.

GENTILE, Any non-Mormon

HIGH PRIEST, One of many ordained to the highest general level of the lay priesthood.

LAMANITE, A term used with reference to American Indians as possible descendants of ancient Book of Mormon
        people who lived on this continent.

MINISTERING ANGEL, A term designating the status or condition of celestial fulfillment in the hereafter for unnmarried
       but otherwise worthy and righteous members. Sometimes used with reference to spinsters.

MISSION FIELD, Any designated area of missionary proselyting activity.

OUTSIDER, Any non-Mormon

PATRIARCH, A High Priest ordained and set apart to give spiritual counsel and a special blessing of promise.

PRIESTHOOD, The priestly power and authority to act in the name of God, conferred through the laying on of hands by
        one possessing the power and authority.

QUORUM, A group or organization of priesthood members at the various levels.

RELIEF SOCIETY, A female organization devoted to assisting the sick and the needy, and to a program of educating
       for homemaking and personal development.

SACRAMENT MEETING, Regular Sunday worship service at which time the Lord's Supper is administered to and
       passed to the members of the Church.

STAKE, A geographical division comprising several wards, comparable to a diocese, and presided over by a High
       Priest set apart as a Stake President.

STANDARD WORKS, The Mormon cannon of scripture, comprising the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and
       Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.

TEMPLE RECOMMEND, A certificate given by a Bishop to a member indicating good standing and worthiness to
       attend the temple.

TITHING OFFICE, A building used as a Bishop's storehouse and general clearing house for records and storing of
       goods Paid as tithing in kind.

UNITED ORDER, A utopian, communal, economic system, based on a covenant of religious devotion to cooperative producing and consuming

WARD, A geographical division presided over by a Bishop, comparable to a parish or congregation.

WORD OF WISDOM, A revelation encouraging, among other things, abstinence from tea, coffee, liquor, and tobacco.

ZION, A term used to designate, among other things, the place or area of gathering of the saints. Specifically, Utah
        during this period.
